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September 2008 |
Nanning/Vietnam(Hanoi/HaLong Bay)/Guilin- PART 2
Friday, September 26, 2008 @10:50 AM
Part 2 ! Please leave some comments!请留下一些感言再走! Day 3 ( Nanning- Vietnam ( Hanoi ) ) 一大早5.30am 就起身了!赶快收拾好行李和洗澡, 6.15am 就到了餐厅吃早餐。 还不错啦... 下一站, 前往越南! 岛游说又要坐3 个半小时的车才能抵达中越的友谊关。 是累的! 他们那里的 Custom 简直是烂投了! 没冷气就算了, 还脏兮兮的!还有人在里面抽烟! 本来应该到了越南就直接前往景点, 但有一辆巴士的汽油坏了,缓慢了大家的行程!因为我们是跟着Tour Group 的吗,团队也非常大, 所以没办法! 30分钟还迟迟不走!啊! 对了,之前还在中国享用了午餐,10am ! 娟娟饭店~ 好吃! 我喜欢! 尤其是Sweet and Sour Pork, 吃了之后赞不绝口。 发现中国人好爱喝酒! 每桌一定会有一瓶! 他们的啤酒还比汽水贵呢! 娟娟饭店 越南的导游说要到河内又要做几个小时的车程才能到达目的地-河内(HaNoi) 我整个人又是马上立刻此刻 sian 掉!每当要过一次马路都提心吊担!越南的东西真的好贵! 一双无牌无名的鞋子都有新币 69.90 ! CRAZY! 终于到达了河内! 那里比我想像中来的糟!好多好多的摩托车, 相信我, 是多到你眼花缭乱的哪种! 决定不走了! 和家人去对面的西湖拍照更好! 杂乱! 一位越南婆婆 之后, 越南游玩正式开始! 坐了越南的三轮车游了36 条街! 满特别的! 但和那些摩托车和机走在一起还挺怕人的。 我还很担心我手上的相机。 一个字形容越南- 乱! 但也无可奈何吗, Developing Country! 越南的一条街店 之后上了巴士去享用晚餐!自助餐! 真的一山还有一山高! 可能越南的食物比较合我胃口吧! 真的好吃! 好像所有的 element 都对了! 但因为我们得赶去看一场水上木偶戏, 所以没时间好好的享受! 唉!真可惜! Day 4 ( Hanoi - HaLong Bay ) 不知为什么, 一醒来, 头就觉得晕晕的,早餐没味口, 大内急也出不来, 整个早上就是什么事都没兴趣做。之后前往河内的巴亭广场, 也了解胡志明先生的历史。 原来越南的胡志明城市 (Ho Chin Minh City) 是这么来的!但我一点兴趣也没有, 当时只想回巴士休息! Nanning/Vietnam(Hanoi/HaLong Bay)/Guilin- PART 1
Thursday, September 25, 2008 @9:36 AMI'm back from my Nanning/Guangxi/Vietnam(Hanoi/Ha Long Bay)/Guilin holidays. It was really exhaustion exhaustion and more exhaustion. Very tiring. I decided to blog my trip entry in Chinese cos' it brings out the feeling better. Day 1 Singapore- Guangxi ( Nanning) 4.15pm 到达了机场。 不知道为什么,每当我看到樟宜机场, 我都会很期待出国玩。 还以为是什么China Airlines, 原来是 ShenZhen Airlines! Same like Tiger Airways la, 座位都窄窄的! 在机上,只想睡,累! 那些在机上的 Auntie Uncle 一只不停的叽叽喳喳, 吵死人了! 4 hours later, 终于到达了南宁的吴圩机场!I was thinking, shouldn't we be going Guilin, why Nanning? 不管了,之后, 巴士来了,导游也来了。 之后,前往酒店休息。今晚住睡的酒店是 Hawaii International Hotel!对第二天。。。充满期待。 今天应该是7.00am breakfast, 8.00am gather. 但爸爸没叫醒我,害得我6.50am 才起床! 啊! Panick Panick! 早餐是在Hotel Lobby 享用。 六个字--- 一点都不好吃!8.00am sharp, 前往我们的第一个景点, 亚洲第一, 世界第二的 德天跨国瀑布。 导游小鹏说要到达那里需要 8 个半小时! 车上的人通通吓倒下倒! I will faint immediately! 原来我们都被华语给骗了! 4 hours only la! 大家猜猜看为什么? 坐了几个小时的车程, 累都累死了,还有什么心情看瀑布! 在加上午餐又特别的难吃!原来爸说的对,中国的食物不好吃的! 菜和肉都怪怪的! 汤好喝! 进入了德天瀑布后, 好美好美! 仿佛刚才所有的 unhappiness 都被抛开了!但不知为什么, 应该是车程的关系, 还没调整好心情, 所以觉得有点累。 爸妈又吵架个不停。 烦死人了!出国玩也吵!在那里不停的拍照留念! 我也尝试了骑马! Pony Ride! 我肖马, 也爱马! 路途会去。。。又是那长长的路程。 我们领队的小隆陪我们玩了游戏。 晚餐在华星酒店享用。 还好而已拉。 已经对他们的食物没什么信心了。 你看。。。我有多么喜欢爱吃, 但总是失望满面。之后到了南宁夜市走走。 Adidas, Nike, 但也没什么。 但爸身体不舒服, 又人地不熟,只好搭了德士, 反会酒店。 睡吧, 明天可要在5.30am起床, 去越南了!好期待!今天, 收获好多! Hello Guilin!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @11:19 AM
Folks, I'm leaving for Guilin soon! Will be away from 17th-24th September. Goooooooooodbye! Byeeeee Singaporeeee, Hellooooo Guilin! Sayonara! Packed with fun
1:17 AM
Departing for Guilin in less than 16 hours. =X Had some lovely table tennis session with jackson again in school. Had plans to go home after that but Danielle called and asked whether want to mahjong anot. Decided for a yes in the end :) People present: Thompson, Cheryl and Danielle After that was the 'you-cannot-don't-eat-the-crab-there' dinner! I tell you....the crab there is heavenly. It's just a short walk from her house anyway. Woooohooo! All i can say is H.E.A.V.E.N.L.Y. Hahaha, this is the expression and words i will use when i eat crabs. Trust me, it's real good. It's like totally comparable to Jumbo Seafood's. But that actually burned a big hole in my pocket today! But blame it on them! Who ask them to deliver such nice food into my mouth and i'm so willing to pay for it! RARRRS! ![]() spastic ones. ![]() less spastic ones. ![]() this is totally.....i don't know how to describe. I SERIOUSLY NEED TO PACK MY LUGGAGE NOW. BYE! YUKI YAKI
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @12:36 AM
Today was quite a busy day! Woke up super duper early at 10am today! It's considered rather early since it's vacations now! Prepared and changed and headed to Hereen for my dental appointment! Paid for my retainers! 105 bucks gone! Later on headed to Plaza Singapura to hunt for my table tennis bat! And i bought it! 38 bucks! Headed over to International Plaza later to return my job surveys at the office. Glenn, WX and Benito arrived later. Headed to Yishun Sports Hall later to have our usual table tennis session! I couldnt wait to use my new bat and start whacking! Time was up and i faster hurried home to change to prepare for Ex Team Daiso dinner! Was late and met up with them at Marina Square Yuki Yaki. They were already digging in already! Dinner was great! Loved the chicken and tom yam soup and the lamb chop and the bee hiang! And DIY Ice Cream session was enjoyable also! That dinner cost 25 bucks. So just calculate, how much i spend in a day? -faints after calculating the sum- Alright, results are out today and i'm having diffculty logging in. Stupid NYP server. Tired! Byeeees! ARRIVING CLOUD NINE
Monday, September 15, 2008 @12:07 AM
Blog is almost like done! :) Will be flying to guilin in about 90 hours time! Hoooooooooooo. HELLO!
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @1:53 AM
Apparently i have moved to blogger too cause wordpress's really sickening. Boring. Robotic. Can't even upload images in peace. Can't even put music. Blogger! :) And i've made a silly mistake deleting my previous blog and everything is missing! All my old posts are GONE GONE GONE. But thank god i've imported into wordpress and i'm still able to see it in wordpress. Sighz. |
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