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September 2008 |
Say goodbye to year 2!
Thursday, February 26, 2009 @12:35 PMSay goodbye to exams. I'm finally so done with year 2. Like what ShuHuak said, It has been a torturing year fulled of sweat. Totally agreed! ROARS. I hope my efforts put in for exams will be paid off. Now, i have to embrace Year 3 with even grater maturity. As a brand new experience is waiting for me. Sighs. No holidays at all. 2nd March 2009. Back to school for Final Year Project. You will see Jin Hui stuck in the fishtank doing codes and codes for 5 weeks. 39 more days. I just needed simplicity. 自欺欺人
Monday, February 23, 2009 @12:32 AM我曾想过,为什么有些人, 喜欢活在自欺欺人的世界里. 这多悲哀啊。 当你发现身旁的人处处想要害你, 你会发现,那是多么令人作呕. 我最瞧不起这些人。 但, 我依然相信, 只要你不做伤天害理的事,不伤害身旁的亲友, 老天就会帮助你, 因为,“善有善报, 恶有恶报”。 失望。但我又能做什么? ROARS!
Friday, February 20, 2009 @4:47 PMLet the quiet in
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @7:11 PMOS has ended. It was a breeze, for at least, i know i can score.
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @12:18 AM
"若要人不知,除非己莫为。 " I got so tempted to go to Rome. Their calm and slow pace of life is just what I need. I just need exams to end now. Should i get a new camera? 我始终... 走在茫茫人海中,迷失了方向。 There's no shortcut
Thursday, February 12, 2009 @1:30 PM 捞-ed 鱼生on the last day of CNY! It was meant for new year's eve but till now then we do it. Hehe. Exams will be starting on the17th and end on the 24th with just 3 papers this time. I just need to be more self-disciplined. 54 more days. 大家之间,或许是少了那么一点点火花罢了。 "The way we live our days, is the way we live our lives." Keep it this way
Monday, February 9, 2009 @2:37 PM
It's the last day of the lunar new year today! How sad. Anyway, had a mini steamboat with my family last night :D Now it's time to mug hard for the coming exams. Discipline! Keep it this way.
Friday, February 6, 2009 @1:11 AM
纸是永远保不住火的。 Seriously, there's no point. No point, cause the truth will always be brought to light.
Monday, February 2, 2009 @2:37 PM
I feel so useless. It's the last presentation and i had to screw it up. Maybe not. But i felt it was. It was really really bad. There goes my 6 credits module. Goodbye GPA.
Sunday, February 1, 2009 @12:50 PM
还有64 天。 继续倒数吧! Here i am. |
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